MCA-20-45 (iii): Blockchain Technology
Type: Elective
Contact Hours: 4 hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Mode: Lecture
External Maximum Marks: 75
External Pass Marks: 30 (i.e. 40%)
Internal Maximum Marks: 25
Total Maximum Marks: 100
Total Pass Marks: 40 (i.e. 40%)
Instructions to paper setter for End semester exam:
Total number of questions shall be nine. Question number one will be compulsory and will be consisting of short/objective type questions from complete syllabus. In addition to compulsory first question there shall be four units in the question paper each consisting of two questions. Student will attempt one question from each unit in addition to compulsory question. All questions will carry equal marks.
Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to introduce the concept of Blockchain. This course introduces the concept of Bitcoin and makes students familiar with Bitcoin network, payments, clients and APIs.
Course Outcomes (COs) At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
MCA-20-45 (iii).1 understand the concept of Blockchain and Decentralization;
MCA-20-45 (iii).2 understand the usage of Block chain and Bitcoin implementation;
MCA-20-45 (iii).3 understand and analyse the Bitcoin network and payments;
MCA-20-45 (iii).4 analyze the various platforms used for Blockchain.
Unit – I
Discover Blockchain Technology: Blockchain, Growth of blockchain technology, Distributed systems, History of blockchain and Bitcoin, Types of blockchain.
Decentralization: Methods of decentralization, Routes of decentralization, Blockchain and full ecosystem decentralization, Smart contracts, Decentralized organizations and platforms for decentralization.
Unit – II
Blockchain: Architecture, Versions, Variants, Use cases, Life use cases of blockchain, Blockchain vs shared Database, Introduction to cryptocurrencies, Types, Applications.
Bitcoins: Introducing Bitcoin, Bitcoin digital keys and addresses, Transactions, Blockchain mining. Alternative Coins. Limitations of Bitcoin
Unit – III
Concept of Double Spending, Hashing, Proof of work.
Bitcoin Network and payments, Bitcoin network, Wallets, Bitcoin payments, Innovation in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Clients and APIs.
Unit – IV
Introduction to Blockchain Platforms: Ethereum, Hyperledger, IOTA, EOS, Multichain, Bigchain, etc., Advantages and Disadvantages, EthereumvsBitcoin, Design a new blockchain, Potential for disruption, Design a distributed application, Blockchain applications.
Text Books:
⦁ Imran Bashir, Mastering Blockchain, PACKT Publication.
⦁ Arshdeep Bikramaditya Singal, Gautam Dhameja, Priyansu Sekhar Panda., Beginning Blockchain: A Beginner’s Guide to Building Blockchain Solutions, APress.
⦁ Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, Blockchain Applications: A Hands-On Approach.
⦁ Melanie Swan, Blockchain, OReilly
Reference Books:
⦁ Aravind Narayan. Joseph Bonneau, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies, Princton
⦁ Arthu.T Books, Bitcoin and Blockchain Basics: A non-technical introduction for beginners.