MCA-20-35(i) Advances in JAVA
Type: Elective
Contact Hours: 4 hours/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hours
Mode: Lecture
External Maximum Marks: 75
External Pass Marks: 30(i.e. 40%)
Internal Maximum Marks: 25
Total Maximum Marks: 100
Total Pass Marks: 40(i.e. 40%)
Instructions to paper setter for End semester exam:
Total number of questions shall be nine. Question number one will be compulsory and will be consisting of short/objective type questions from complete syllabus. In addition to compulsory first question there shall be four units in the question paper each consisting of two questions. Student will attempt one question from each unit in addition to compulsory question. All questions will carry equal marks.
Course Objectives: The course develops programming ability of students to create dynamic web applications using server side technology with Java Database Connectivity. Students can learn networking and remote method invocation using Java API. Advanced Java features will increase ability of students in web application development.
Course Outcomes (COs) At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
MCA-20-35(i).1 develop programming using AWT, Layout, Menu and Frames;
MCA-20-35(i).2 gain the knowledge of Server Side programming by implementing Servlet and write the deployment descriptor and enterprise application deployment;
MCA-20-35(i).3 design and Develop various application using JSPs;
MCA-20-35(i).4 learn to access database through Java programs, using Java Data Base Connectivity (JDBC).
GUI Programming: AWT Classes, AWT Controls, AWT Button, AWT Label, AWT TextField, AWT TextArea, AWT Checkbox, AWTCheckboxGroup, AWT Choice, AWT List, AWT Scrollbar, AWT MenuItem& Menu, AWT PopupMenu, AWT Panel, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, Java ItemListener, Java KeyListener, Java WindowListener. Adapter Classes, Layout managers; Grid Layout, Flow Layout, Card Layout, Border Layout, Menus, Java Frames.
Servlet API and Overview: Servlet Introduction, Servlet Life Cycle, Types of Servlet, Servlet Configuration with Deployment Descriptor, Working with ServletContext and ServletConfig Object, Attributes in Servelt, Response and Redirection using Request Dispacher and using sendRedirect Method, Filter API, Manipulating Responses using Filter API, Session Tracking: using Cookies, HTTPSession, Hidden Form Fields and URL Rewriting,Types of Servlet Event: ContextLevel andSessionLevel.
Java Server Pages: Introduction to JSP , Comparison with Servlet, JSP Architecture, JSP Life Cycle, JSP Scripting Elements, JSP Directives, JSP Action, JSP Implicit Objects, JSP Expression Language, JSP Standard Tag Libraries, JSP Custom Tag, JSP Session Management, JSP Exception Handling, MVC in JSP, Custom tags; Attributes, Iteration, Custom URI.
JDBC Programming: JDBC Architecture, Types of JDBC Drivers, Introduction to major JDBC Classes and Interface, Creating simple JDBC Application, Types of Statement (Statement Interface, Prepared Statement, Callable Statement), Exploring ResultSet Operations, Batch Updates in JDBC, Managing Database Transaction.
Text Books:-
1. Patrick Naughton, Herbert, Schild, The Complete reference Java 2, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
2. Kathy walrath, Java server programming, J2EE, Black Book, Dream Tech Publishers.
3. Subrahmanyam Allamaraju, Cedric Buest, Professional Java Server Programming, Wiley Publication.
Reference Books:
⦁ Michael Morgan, Java 2 for Professionals Developers, SAMS Techmedia, New Delhi, India
⦁ Kito D. Mann,Java Server Faces in Action, Manning Publication
⦁ Maydene Fisher, Jon Ellis, Jonathan Bruce,JDBC™ API Tutorial and Reference, Addison Wesley.
⦁ GiulioZambon, Beginning JSP, JSF andTomcat, Apress.