MCA-NEP-Examination-Scheme 1/1
Semester-1 7/7
Lecture 2.1M24-CAP-101 Client Side Web TechnologyPreview
Lecture 2.2M24-CAP-102 Operating System & LinuxPreview
Lecture 2.3M24-CAP-103 Data StructurePreview
Lecture 2.4M24-CAP-104 Programming in JavaPreview
Lecture 2.5M24-CAP-105 Practical -1Preview
Lecture 2.6M24-CAP-106 Practical -2Preview
Lecture 2.7Bridge Course (MCA-BC- 23-11 Computer Fundamentals and Problem Solving Through C)Preview
Semester-2 10/10
Lecture 3.1MCA-20-21: Web TechnologiesPreview
Lecture 3.2MCA-20-22: Linux and Shell ProgrammingPreview
Lecture 3.3MCA-20-23: Advanced Data Base SystemsPreview
Lecture 3.4MCA-20-24(i): Principles of Programming LanguagesPreview
Lecture 3.5MCA-20-24 (ii) :High Performance NetworksPreview
Lecture 3.6MCA-20-24(iii): Compiler DesignPreview
Lecture 3.7MCA-20-25(i): Theory of ComputationPreview
Lecture 3.8MCA-20-25 (ii): Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsPreview
Lecture 3.9MCA-20-25 (iii): Security in ComputingPreview
Lecture 3.10Bridge Course (MCA-BC- 23-21 Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science)Preview
Semester-3 9/9
Lecture 4.1MCA-20-31: Computer Architecture and Parallel ProcessingPreview
Lecture 4.2MCA-20-32: Data Mining and Integration using RPreview
Lecture 4.3MCA-20-33: Artificial IntelligencePreview
Lecture 4.4MCA-20-34 (i): Cloud Computing and IoTPreview
Lecture 4.5MCA-20-34(ii): Cyber SecurityPreview
Lecture 4.6MCA-20-34 (iii): Digital MarketingPreview
Lecture 4.7MCA-20-35(i) Advances in JAVAPreview
Lecture 4.8MCA-20-35 (ii):Advanced Web TechnologiesPreview
Lecture 4.9MCA-20-35(iii): Programming with KotlinPreview
Semester-4 9/9
Lecture 5.1MCA-20-41: Big Data and Pattern RecognitionPreview
Lecture 5.2MCA-20-42:Computer Graphics and AnimationPreview
Lecture 5.3MCA-20-43: Mobile Application DevelopmentPreview
Lecture 5.4MCA-20-44(i): Soft ComputingPreview
Lecture 5.5MCA-20-44(ii): Machine LearningPreview
Lecture 5.6MCA-20-44 (iii): Digital Image ProcessingPreview
Lecture 5.7MCA-20-45 (i): Optimization TechniquesPreview
Lecture 5.8MCA-20-45(ii): Information SystemsPreview
Lecture 5.9MCA-20-45 (iii): Blockchain TechnologyPreview
Bridge Course (MCA-BC- 23-11 Computer Fundamentals and Problem Solving Through C)
MCA-BC-23-11: Computer Fundamentals and Problem Solving Through C | |
Type: Bridge Course (For students who have not studied computer science before taking admission to MCA)
Course Credits: 0 Contact Hours: 4 hours/week Examination Duration: 3 Hours Mode: Lecture External Maximum Marks: 75 External Pass Marks: 30(i.e. 40%) Internal Maximum Marks: 25 Total Maximum Marks: 100 Total Pass Marks: 40(i.e. 40%) |
Instructions to paper setter for End semester exam:
Total number of questions shall be nine. Question number one will be compulsory and will be consisting of short/objective type questions from complete syllabus. In addition to compulsory first question there shall be four units in the question paper each consisting of two questions. Student will attempt one question from each unit in addition to compulsory question. All questions will carry equal marks. |
Course Objectives: This course is designed to get the students equipped with the fundamentals of computer science. This course will help the students to develop the problem solving skills through a well-known language C. | |
Computer Fundamentals: Basics of computers, basic computer organization, storage hierarchy, storage devices, input-output devices. Computer Software. Introduction to operating systems. Planning the computer program: Purpose of program planning, algorithm, flowcharts, decision tables, pseudocodes. UNIT – II Digital Fundamentals: Information representation – number systems, number system conversion; Computer codes – BCD code, EBCDIC code, ASCII, Unicode; Binary arithmetic; Binary logic – Boolean algebra, Boolean functions, truth table, simplification of Boolean functions (upto 4 variables only), K-map, digital logic gates. UNIT – III Elements of C language: C character set, identifiers & keywords, data types: declaration & definition. Operators: Arithmetic relational, logical, bitwise, unary, assignment and conditional operators & their hierarchy & associativity, Data input/output. Control statements: Sequencing, Selection: if and switch statement; iteration: for, while, and do-while loop; break, continue, goto statement. UNIT – IV Functions in C language: Definition, prototype, passing parameters, recursion, Data structure: arrays, structures, union, string, data files. Pointers: Declaration, operations on pointers, array of pointers, pointers to arrays. |
Text Books:
1. Yashwant Kanitkar, Let us C, BPB Publications. 2. Pradeep k. Sinha & Priti Sinha, Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publications 3. Byron S Gottfried, Programming with C, Tata McGrawhill |